Saturday, March 5, 2011

Changing All the Time

Well Layla just gets cuter and cuter every second. She is reacting to more, becoming more observant and smiling all the time. It is so amazing. This is a video I took the other day, and she is just too adorable.

She has her pediatricians appointment next week, and she is getting her whooping cough shot, which I am not looking forward to. =( Hopefully everything else is good, though. I have been trying to keep track of her eating, napping, and diapers so that we can make sure she is eating, sleeping, and pooping like a good girl. I think we are going to be alright here, because we go through a crap load of diapers (no pun intended), she is constantly eating during the day, and she sleeps quite well at night, at least so far. She doesn't nap much during the day, but I would rather she slept more at night anyway, so I am okay with that.

We are co-sleeping right now, but I am getting to the point where I want to transition her to her own bed, and I am worried that that is going to be a rough thing to do since she likes to be close to me. Although during the day I've been putting her in her swing, bouncy seat, stroller or in her boppy while we play or if she is napping and hopefully that will get her more used to sleeping on her own for the future. Fingers crossed that it isn't too difficult. I am mainly worried that she will get out of her current sleeping schedule of 5 to 6 hours straight. I do love that.

My brothers are coming to visit this week, and I can't wait! Layla will get to meet her uncles for the first time. We are going to have a great time, especially since she is a bit more responsive and fun to play with. Denny and Sheryl were saying that they could even see a difference in her in the week that they were here. My little girl is growing up so fast!

I captured a couple pictures of my little munchkin smiling for me. There is seriously nothing cuter! And I am so excited cause she finally fits into pants!!! Thanks again Crayon ladies for her adorable outfit!

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