Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Layla had her appointment with the pediatrician today, and it made me a bit upset and quite confused. First of all she had her whooping cough shot. It is so painful to watch the love of your life in pain. She was not a happy camper. Luckily she got over it relatively fast.

The other issue was her weight. She only gained five ounces in the last two weeks, which puts her up to 7lbs, 9oz, and that is only the 5th percent isle. I kept track of her eating, peeing, and pooping for the week before her appointment, and based on that, she is totally fine. She is also very alert and active and looks completely healthy, yet, according to the average she is not gaining enough. And yet her doctor, who has been doing this for 37 years, is confused by it and doesn't know what to tell me. How am I supposed to know what to do, when my pediatrician doesn't?!

He referred to her as a statistical anomaly. He suggested that I supplement with formula, and I so am not wanting to do that. It is causing me a bit of anxiety. Everyone says that as a mom you know what is best and to follow your gut, and I am just not ready to give her formula. If she was showing signs of some sort of problem, I would do it no question, but she is totally healthy and happy. I am in the process of doing things to increase my milk, so hopefully that will help. If anyone has any words of wisdom please share them with me. Other than that, Layla and I are doing quite well and she is just a happy happy baby.

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