Thursday, May 27, 2010

Momentary Scare

Yesterday I was doing some spring cleaning around the house and lifting and moving probably more things then I should have. This morning I woke up and had a bit of a scare when I noticed some spotting. I called the doctors office and made an appointment to come in. He performed an ultrasound to make sure everything looked okay, but since I was only five weeks along you couldn't really see much, just the amniotic sac and the yolk sac.

The Dr. was an older man and he was so cute cause he would humm while checking me. It was quite hilarious. Worked though, cause it definitely kept me at ease. He reassured me that everything looked fine and that the bleeding seemed to be external, and most likely caused from too much lifting. He told me to take it easy for the next couple weeks and not to worry. He gave me a new due date based on the ultrasound measurements of January 27th, which made Pete happy.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Miracle After Almost 3 Years

Back in 2007 Pete and I decided that we were both ready to go down the road to parenthood. We did not realize that this road was going to be as long and winding, with as many ups, downs, and speed bumps just to get to the beginning of it.

Once we passed that road, it all started with a craving of pickles. For almost a week I was craving pickles. I thought that the sandwich I had with them was just so delicious that it made me want to eat pickles all the time. But pretty soon my roommate asked me, "What is the deal with you and these pickles? Are you pregnant?" I thought, "Yeah, right." But then it started to make me think that maybe their could be something to this pickle madness. So the next morning I decided to take a pregnancy test, which then turned into three pregnancy tests.

There they were, three tests, each with two glorious pink lines starring at me in the face telling me that sometimes miracles do happen. I think I had a rush of every emotion I've ever had run through my body within less than a second.

I ran in to the Man Cave where Pete was eating breakfast with tears in my eyes and showed him the test. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights. I could see the immediate panic and worry come into his face; followed by pure amazement. It was such a sweet moment. He went to work and a few hours later sent me a text message saying, "Holy shit, I'm going to be a daddy in 8 months!" Too cute.

Later that day I went to the pregnancy clinic where I took yet another test, and yes, that one had a lovely little plus sign for me. So after four positive tests, that definitely confirmed that there was no chance of a false positive in this situation. We were definitely on our way to being parents.

According to the pregnancy calculator I am 5 weeks pregnant and my due date would be January 19th. Pete says that we will have to do what we can to change that date cause it is his sisters birthday and they can't share. So I will see what I can do.

I set up my first check up, which unfortunately I have to wait an agonizing three weeks for since they usually do the first check at 8 weeks. It is going to kill me to wait that long. The excitement is keeping me up at night!!! Although if, and when the morning sickness kicks in that might diminish some of my excitement. No, probably not.