Thursday, March 17, 2011

Supplementing Attempt

Well I decided that I was going to go ahead and give Layla a little formula mixed with breast milk yesterday. I figured since I don't plan on breast feeding any less, just add an extra feeding then it shouldn't be a problem.

She didn't take to it at first. She just kept crying, much like she does when I offer her a pacifier. After a few minutes though, she was a bit more receptive. I think it comes out of the bottle much easier than it does out of me, so a lot of it ended up on the burp rag because it would drool out of her mouth. By the time she got about three quarters of the way through the bottle, though, she was a pro and finished it off no problem. Then she slept for over two hours. Seems to have been a good decision.

So today I did the same thing, and she took to it much faster and just inhaled it, then took almost a three hour nap. So I am definitely feeling better about my decision. I am also starting to take the herb supplement fenugreek to help increase my milk production. I am hoping that it will work out. I am also pumping at least once a day and I am starting to get a decent amount, which I hope with the addition of the her supplement will only get better. I do hate pumping though, but I am sure I will get more and more used to it.

This was a really difficult thing for me to do, but in the end it is all about what is best for my little Layla Bug. And so far, she seems to like the addition of the formula/breast milk mix. Hopefully the fenugreek works out though and I won't need to supplement for much longer.

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