Thursday, March 31, 2011
2 Month Checkup
Well she is still in the fifth percent isle for weight. She was up to 8 lbs, 15oz and she is now 22 inches long, which he said is right in the middle for height, and her head is in the 25th percent isle (she must have taken after my side on that one. =) ) The doctor said that since she isn't dropping off more on weight he isn't concerned, so he said just to keep doing what I am doing. So I will continue supplementing her once or twice a day and hopefully all will continue to go well. He said she looks great and she is really strong. We play Parachute (a more fun modification of the airplane) and her whole body is flat as a board when I hold her up. She is nothing but muscle, that one.
She is smiling more and more these days and she is starting to notice more around her. She stares at her hands every once in a while so it won't be too long before she will have more control over them. She also loves to stare at this little stuffed lion rattle with a bright colored mane. She follows it so well. My favorite, though, is when she talks to me. Her little coos are so adorable. I'm trying to take in every moment cause they all go by so fast.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
More Dancing With Daddy
I love her right hand while dancing. She is so freakin' cute. I know I say that a lot, but she really is. =)
Friday, March 25, 2011
Two Months Old!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Grammy Time!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Some Days Are Harder Than Others
We had our roughest day ever yesterday. I still don't know what was wrong, but nothing seemed to work. Between my mom and I, we would bounce her and rock her until she fell asleep, and that would last anywhere from ten minutes to thirty minutes then she would start screaming again. It was so brutal. She would scream, stiffen her body up, and she seemed inconsolable. It would just break my heart. By the evening she was much better and she slept like a champ last night, and so far today she is just a little angel.
I know that babies have good days and rough days, and yesterday was SO rough. Hopefully those will be few and far between.
So it would seem that I have developed something called de Quervain tendinitis. It is a type of tendinitis that is right at the base of the thumb and is somewhat common for new moms apparently. I think it has to do with how I hold and pick her up. It doesn't hurt all the time, but if I move my wrist in certain positions it is quite painful. Unfortunately I don't think there is much that I can do for it. When I try to take pressure off of it, it will just make the other wrist worse. I've started wearing a wrist brace on my right wrist (which is the worse of the two) so that may help. I am hoping it will eventually go away on its own, but then again, Layla is only going to get heavier, so it may just get worse. Here is hoping for the former.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Supplementing Attempt
She didn't take to it at first. She just kept crying, much like she does when I offer her a pacifier. After a few minutes though, she was a bit more receptive. I think it comes out of the bottle much easier than it does out of me, so a lot of it ended up on the burp rag because it would drool out of her mouth. By the time she got about three quarters of the way through the bottle, though, she was a pro and finished it off no problem. Then she slept for over two hours. Seems to have been a good decision.
So today I did the same thing, and she took to it much faster and just inhaled it, then took almost a three hour nap. So I am definitely feeling better about my decision. I am also starting to take the herb supplement fenugreek to help increase my milk production. I am hoping that it will work out. I am also pumping at least once a day and I am starting to get a decent amount, which I hope with the addition of the her supplement will only get better. I do hate pumping though, but I am sure I will get more and more used to it.
This was a really difficult thing for me to do, but in the end it is all about what is best for my little Layla Bug. And so far, she seems to like the addition of the formula/breast milk mix. Hopefully the fenugreek works out though and I won't need to supplement for much longer.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Hanging with my Uncles
We went to the Ventura Harbor on Friday afternoon, and it was a beautiful day. Layla slept most of the time, but she seemed to enjoy it out there in the crisp sea air.
After our walk along the harbor, we had a drink outside on the patio at Andres Wine & Tapas Bar, and while we were enjoying our drink we saw a sailboat with the most perfect name. =)
It was so great having Uncle Matthew around with his camera cause he was able to capture some of Layla's sweet little faces. She is just the cutest thing ever! I am so amazed by her every second.
We also ventured out for Layla's second dinner outing. We took her to Larson's Steak House and she was so good. She was getting a lot of attention while we were there from the staff and customers; it is hard to resist that face! =) She was wide awake most of the time and just taking it all in.
Most of the time we all hung out in the sun on our back porch. I would prop Layla in her bouncy seat and she would just chill there and laugh with us. It was too cute. She is going to miss them now that they are back home. It makes us very excited for our time at Aunt Sally's this summer!!!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
The other issue was her weight. She only gained five ounces in the last two weeks, which puts her up to 7lbs, 9oz, and that is only the 5th percent isle. I kept track of her eating, peeing, and pooping for the week before her appointment, and based on that, she is totally fine. She is also very alert and active and looks completely healthy, yet, according to the average she is not gaining enough. And yet her doctor, who has been doing this for 37 years, is confused by it and doesn't know what to tell me. How am I supposed to know what to do, when my pediatrician doesn't?!
He referred to her as a statistical anomaly. He suggested that I supplement with formula, and I so am not wanting to do that. It is causing me a bit of anxiety. Everyone says that as a mom you know what is best and to follow your gut, and I am just not ready to give her formula. If she was showing signs of some sort of problem, I would do it no question, but she is totally healthy and happy. I am in the process of doing things to increase my milk, so hopefully that will help. If anyone has any words of wisdom please share them with me. Other than that, Layla and I are doing quite well and she is just a happy happy baby.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Changing All the Time
We are co-sleeping right now, but I am getting to the point where I want to transition her to her own bed, and I am worried that that is going to be a rough thing to do since she likes to be close to me. Although during the day I've been putting her in her swing, bouncy seat, stroller or in her boppy while we play or if she is napping and hopefully that will get her more used to sleeping on her own for the future. Fingers crossed that it isn't too difficult. I am mainly worried that she will get out of her current sleeping schedule of 5 to 6 hours straight. I do love that.
My brothers are coming to visit this week, and I can't wait! Layla will get to meet her uncles for the first time. We are going to have a great time, especially since she is a bit more responsive and fun to play with. Denny and Sheryl were saying that they could even see a difference in her in the week that they were here. My little girl is growing up so fast!
I captured a couple pictures of my little munchkin smiling for me. There is seriously nothing cuter! And I am so excited cause she finally fits into pants!!! Thanks again Crayon ladies for her adorable outfit!