Friday, January 28, 2011

She's Finally Arrived!!!!

My beautiful Layla Renay Heikes arrived at 7:13 in the morning on Tuesday, January 25th. She weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces and was 20 inches long.

I was in labor for about 30 hours, seven of which kicked my butt. Everything went really well. I was able to make it through without any pain medication, which is what I was hoping for. And though there was a period there where I thought I was going to die, I am really glad that I was able to make it through. I was so happy because my favorite doctor, Dr. Murphy, was on call that day until 7:00 am so I was really lucky to have him deliver me just as his shift was ending. He is so great, and my nurse Miriem was amazing too, so sweet, helpful and encouraging!

It took me 24 hours to get to two centimeters and six hours to get from two to ten. What an experience. It is amazing the feeling of release once she is all the way out. It is quite the euphoric moment. She was completely healthy, although her cord was wrapped around her neck twice, but Dr. Murphy told me not to push no matter what for a moment then seconds later she was out and the little cries came. The best sound in the world! This little bundle of joy was so good to me throughout my pregnancy that I didn't think I would be lucky enough to also get the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen. And to top it all off, she got her mommy's red hair!!!!

I was in the hospital for just over 48 hours, which was nice. Simi Hospital is so great, you get your own private rooms and the nurses there are so awesome. I loved every one of them. Baby Layla is home now and we are just loving every second. Both of the animals are adjusting quite well to this new foreign thing that makes so much noise every now and then. Audrey is very protective of her, which is good. She gets really worried when she is crying. Jack just sniffs her and then gets pissed that we keep throwing him out of her swing, or crib, or bouncy seat, or bassinet, or boppy pillow or bathtub. He loves sleeping where he isn't supposed to the little Jackass. It is crazy, but my cat weighs over twice what Layla weighs so carrying her around is like nothing.

Layla loves her Daddy so much, and he has been just amazing with her. He is a swaddling master and he isn't afraid to change her diapers. I love that he is jumping into this daddy thing and enjoying every minute. He is so calm and sweet with her, and he doesn't freak out when she cries. It is so cute to watch them together. She loves to stare at him.

Grandma has been here to help out with everything and she has been SO great to have around. Her and Pete were awesome through my labor helping coach me, especially in the end when it got really rough. It must be really hard watching someone go through that and knowing there is nothing that you can do to help. Having them there was a huge help though. I couldn't have done it without them. Mom will be here until Friday and I love that Layla Bug gets to spend some time with her grandma. It is going to be really hard not having family around all the time.

I will keep you all updated on our precious little Layla as much as possible. More pictures to come!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

40 Weeks!

Today is my due date!!!! I had my doctors appointment yesterday and I still haven't dilated at all, but I am 60% effaced and Baby is at 2 station so that is all good things I have my next check up on Friday and he said if I haven't gone into labor naturally we will talk inducing sometime next week. So crazy!!! I have my fingers crossed that they don't have to induce, but if they do, they do. He also said she is the perfect size, not too big and not too small. He was guessing about seven to seven and a half pounds.

I'm walking a lot to try and get things progressing, especially now that it is 80 degrees outside and I don't have to freeze. Everyone keeps telling me that spicy food is what will do it, but I have never been a spicy food fan, and the little bit I have had since being pregnant just gives me awful heartburn. Now the question is does horseradish or wasabi count? Cause that I will eat like crazy! I love that stuff. I even put some in my macaroni and cheese for an extra kick, and hello! It is delicious. I may just have to bite the bullet and suffer through the burning mouth feeling that spicy food gives me and the inevitable heartburn that will follow, cause having labor start naturally has got to be better than pitocin.

I think that my belly dropped a bit. I can breathe a little easier but I have to pee a lot more often now. Just means that things are happening! Everything is pretty much ready to go at this point. The only major thing that I still need to get is the breast pump, but I have no idea which one to get. Since I am going to be a stay at home mom, I don't need the uber crazy expensive kind since I won't be pumping every day, but I want a good one. If anyone has suggestions, please let me know!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Baby's Nursery

The nursery is finally finished, well except for two things: One, the giant stuffed giraffe that will be coming down here next month with Opa and Mimi, and two, the letter that will hang over her crib, however we don't know her name yet, so we have to wait on that. I am so happy with the way the room turned out. I put a bunch of pictures on the wall that many will probably soon be replaced by pictures of Baby.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

39 Weeks

I had my Dr's appointment today and still no dialation. She said that it sounds like Baby is quite content in there, so this may take some time. I think it is the See's candy that I eat, she is just enjoying it so much. I asked the Dr if she could tell how big Baby was and she told me that she feels pretty petite, probably not even seven pounds, so that is good to hear. No nine plus pound baby for me please! Her heartbeat is really strong as usual and she loves to wiggle around in there.

Pete will put the tv remote on my belly and it is funny to watch cause it is like a boat out at sea rocking all over the place. I took some video of it during the day, but she wasn't quite as active at the time, so I didn't get a whole lot of movement, but here is a video of some.

We also met with our pediatrician Dr. Brooks, who seems really nice. He has been doing pediatrics since 1974, so I think he has seen almost everything. I am starting to get really anxious these days for her arrival, but then I have moments where I can't believe she is going to be here any day now. It is all so crazy.

Belly is huge and hard as ever. I am wondering if and when my belly is going to drop. It isn't too difficult to breathe, probably because she is "petite", so I don't care if it happens or not. Pete and I are just so ready to see her beautiful face.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Nursery Murals

Pete's mom was here this last weekend and painted a mural in the nursery. It turned out so cute. I was having trouble deciding on what exactly to have painted. I was going to have a giraffe, but my mom reminded me that we are going to have a giant stuffed giraffe in there soon so we didn't want the two to compete with each other. So I decided on a giant tree and an elephant. I think they turned out just perfect. As Pete would say, "It really brings the room together."

On the other side of the window she painted an elephant that we found a picture of called a Heffalump, that is just too adorable for words. I think they are just perfect for the nursery.

Last time she was in town we picked out a bunch of material for her to make a quilt for Baby. Here is the finish product. It is so cute, and I love the little giraffes in the corners. Baby has so many blankets now. I think everyone knows how cold I get so they will definitely all come in handy.

Thanks again Sheryl! I am sure Baby is going to love it.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

38 Weeks

Baby could come at any time now. There is a place to vote for when you think she will arrive to the right. Pete is guessing she will come on the 26th, Danny says my water will break on the 17th, I'm thinking the 23rd. We are going to have to start taking bets! I had my Dr's appointment this week and he said I am progressing well, but I haven't started dialating yet. I was hopeful that I would have, but I guess she is just happy in my belly still.

I am doing really well still with everything. Definitely tired these days so I get as much sleep as I can while I still can. If I overdo it I feel sore all over, but nothing too bad to deal with. My ligament pain hasn't come back in a couple weeks now so that is good news. Here is a shot of my belly progression since my 16th week. She sure is sticking out there now!

Pete's mom is in town now to paint a mural on the wall for Baby. So far it is looking quite awesome! I will of course post pictures when she is done. I can't wait to see the finish product!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Belly Shots!

My amazing friend Stacy took some belly shots of me last month up in Santa Barbara. It was an 80 degree day up there, which was crazy being that it was in the middle of December! However, it made for some fun shots in the park and on the beach. Here are a few of my favorites.

I'm so glad that we were able to get some of these shots so that I can remember this amazing time in my life. Thanks so much again Stacy!