So I find myself getting a slight bought of anxiety based on what foods I am eating or not eating, if I am getting enough protein, or fiber, or vegetables, am I drinking enough water, am I consuming too much sugar or carbs or chocolate, did I remember to take my prenatals or my iron, or my calcium today???????? It is really starting to drive me crazy. Since every pregnancy article, book, or magazine you look at reiterates that eating healthy and drinking plenty of water is of the utmost importance for your growing baby, it makes you feel so guilty if you have a piece of chocolate or some bacon with your breakfast. I truly feel the anxiety it makes you experience has got to be way worse for the baby than anything else. As if we don't have enough issues to be scared, anxious, and unsure about.
Is it okay that since it was just Halloween I have a mini 3 Musketeers or mini Twix during the day? Is it okay if I forgot to take one of my three vitamins today? Is it okay that I don't have vegetables in my every day diet? How much is all of this really going to affect baby? Do they really even know that? I don't drink, I wouldn't smoke even if I wasn't pregnant, I do eat and drink every day, multiple times, and though I have missed a few days with my vitamins I have been quite good about taking them regularly. Is that enough?
Doctor says her heartbeat is strong, she is growing at a perfect rate for how far along I am, and she kicks and moves all the time. So I have decided that based on the fact that she seems to be perfectly healthy I am just going to continue to do what I am doing and not worry about it anymore. Babies are like parasites anyway, they just suck all the nutrients they need from you. I don't know if any other moms get anxiety from the eating thing, but because I am such a worrier, I do and I just had to get it off my chest.
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