Wednesday, November 10, 2010

30 Weeks

I'm now in my 30th week and it seems like time is flying by. My belly is so round now it seems to get noticably bigger by the day.

I fear that now I am going to quickly start to run out of clothes that fit me. At least I can still wear my comfy sweatshirts. Now that it is starting to get cold, I am sure I will be in those a lot anyway. I can't believe that my stomach even has the ability to get any bigger. Sometimes it seems like it should be bursting.

The other day I was floored to have Pete tell me that he wanted to go to Babies R Us with me to see what that place was all about. Of course, he was probably bored within ten seconds of being there, but at least he cared enough to want to go. We did a bit of a shopping spree with the gift cards and baby cash we got from the showers. Now the soon to be nursery is overflowing!

I'm still not totally sure where I am going to put it all, but it will eventually find its place once we get the nursery set up as a nursery and not a guest room. It is amazing the amount of crap that one tiny human "needs", and this isn't even all of it.

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