Friday, November 19, 2010

31 Weeks

I can't believe that I only have less than ten weeks to go (give or take). It is going by so fast. I am trying to enjoy every minute. Mom says that I am still tiny for how far along I am, but I am starting to feel like my belly is quite huge.

I had my first experience feeling her with hiccups. It was so cute. I woke up at midnight last night and as I was trying to fall back asleep she started these rhythmic movements. It only lasted a couple minutes, which is good for her, cause when I get the hiccups they usually last at least thirty minutes or more.

Mom was in town this last week and we made some headway on turning the guest room into a nursery. Mom painted and we built the dresser and crib and got them moved into the room and the bed moved out. Now I have to work on dressing up the walls and organizing all the stuff now that I have places to organize it all. Here is what it looks like so far.

Mom made the bumper, which I absolutely love. It is perfect. I found that giraffe material and just had to use it for that purpose. It is the softest stuff ever! In our bedroom I took out the Pack n' Play that Pete's sister gave to us to see how easily I could set it up with the bassinet part in it. Looks like if the baby doesn't use it, someone will.

My little Jack loves to test out any box, basket, or soft item of any kind. If this little bassinet can hold his 15 pound ass jumping in it, then it should be good to go for Baby. He has attempted to jump in to the crib too, but that is definitely a Jack free zone and he is immediately thrown out of it. Fortunately, he seems to adopt a spot for a while then moves on, so I am letting him get his love of the bassinet out of his system. He looks quite cute when he is curled up in it, so it is hard to throw him out of it now.

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