Wednesday, September 29, 2010

24 Weeks

I am 24 weeks along this week and I definitely feel like my belly is very much pregnant now. It is quite round and hard as a rock most of the time. Baby is still moving and kicking a lot. I think she likes to mess with her Daddy because every time she is kicking and he puts his hand on my belly she will stop. I tell him that it she is probably just so comforted by his touch that she calms down when he is close.

So I have found that watching food commercials is dangerous for a pregnant woman now that I have my appetite back. I was sitting there watching tv and a commerical came on for Pillsbury advertising not only their delicious Grand's biscuits, but also there yummy, gooey cinnamon rolls. It was like torture!!! I find myself easily swayed by what they are advertising, well, unless it is a commercial for something like that nasty double chicken breast with bacon and cheese thing they have at KFC. Are you kidding me? That thing looks so disgusting; I don't even want to imagine how gross it is when you order it, considering things look their best in advertisements.

To all my favorite people up north, I have booked a ticket to come home for a week in October!!! I will be there from Wednesday the 20th through the following Wednesday. There will definitely be some good times to be had, so try to keep that weekend open! =)

Monday, September 27, 2010

New Stuff

Mom and I did some baby shopping while she was in town. I know, big surprise. We found some good deals. We went to Kohl's and I got three maternity shirts for $6.71! My receipt said that I saved $89.80 on my purchase. That kind of thing never happens to me. I usually find the one item on the clearance rack that wasn't supposed to be there. Then we went to Burlington and I found some adorable bibs and outfits for baby. I just love the little Donna Karan outfit. I had to splurge on it.

The craziest thing about my purchases is that most of the baby clothes were pink. But they are such sweet pink shades, not those nauseating shades. Though I may be more accepting of the pink stuff, there are two things that I will not be purchasing ever, and I don't believe that anyone in their right mind should be either.

What is the world coming to that we stick our dogs in strollers and put leashes on our children? Dogs have four legs, thus they are meant to walk. As if Americans aren't obese enough that we have to make our dogs fat and lazy too. And children need to learn that they have to stay close to mommy and daddy, not that if you run too fast you will bungee back and fall on your ass. It is just ridiculous. If anyone ever sees me with either of these items, just shoot me.

I did get a couple baby gifts from the grandma's. Grandma (my mom) got her the little outfit, and Mimi (Pete's mom) got her the little hat. They are just adorable and I absolutely love the colors. I am sure they will both look so sweet on our little girl.

We also did some closet reconfiguring in the nursery while my mom was here. It is amazing what a difference they make. We have shelves and drawers and way more hanging space now. We also were finally able to pick up the crib!!! I can't wait to get it all put together so we can start on decorating the nursery.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

23 Weeks

This week, in addition to being my 23rd week pregnant, it is also my 1664th week since birth. Happy birthday to me! That is a lot of weeks. As I take these pictures I feel like my belly looks bigger than it does, however this could be because I usually see myself from the front, and not the side. Perhaps I should start putting a full frontal picture up, of course, for everyone's benefit I would be dressed, so not to worry.

My mom is in town this week, which has been fun. I also got a call from Baby Town, and our crib is in and ready to be picked up!! Yay! So as soon as we get the truck back from the shop we are going to head down there and get it. That way we can get started on putting the babies room together. Mom and I got some closet organizers to put in there, because one bar with a shelf is such a waist of space. It will be so much nicer with multiple bars, shelves and some drawers to use. I'm sure there will be lots of pictures to come of the nursery transformation.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

22 Weeks

I hit 22 weeks this week and I am starting to love my big ol' round belly. It is still small enough to be cute and big enough to look pregnant. Baby is moving around a lot, as usual, and her movements seem to feel stronger and stronger; I'm guessing because she is slowly running out of space to kick and punch in.

My nausea has gotten so much better over the last couple weeks. I still have some nights where I just don't have much appetite, and I definitely still get those "vurps" as they are called. I do hate those, cause if you aren't careful it could turn into something a lot worse. I'm just happy that a lot more food is sounding good to me. My favorite these days is a grilled cheese with some sort of soup to dip it in. Yum. Now I'm hungry! I hope Pete hurries home with dinner from Panera!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

21 Weeks

I hit my 21 week mark this week. I had my monthly doctors check up and he said everything was great. I have started to gain weight, which is good. Baby is very active and we will be able to feel her move more and more as she runs out of extra space in there. Her heartbeat is really strong, as the doctor says it is like a washing machine. My belly continues to grow and it is getting harder to the touch.

Pete's sister's family came down for a visit this week. It was so good to see them, especially the girls. They are so much fun. They had a blast with their Uncle Pete too. He lent them his football jersey's so they could be cool like him. Might take a while before they fit.

We took them to the beach and Ventura Harbor for the day, which was a great time. The girls saw a small pod of dolphins as well as a seal, then we went to the harbor and got ice cream and they got to ride a pony. They were so excited!

I went down to Disneyland with them on Wednesday and we had a great time. The girls got a ton of autographs in their books and were so excited that they got to meet Belle, Cinderella, and Tinkerbell. They both were dressed up in their princess dresses for most of the day, which was too cute.

Lexi's favorite rides were Pirates of the Caribbean and the Mickey's Fun Wheel in California Adventure, which she dragged me on, even with my extreme fear of heights. She even made me ride in the gondola that swings. Not cool! I was freaking out. I think I scared the crap out of baby, because when I got off the ride she was kicking me for a good five minutes straight!

I think Mia's favorite was playing the Goofy Fishing Game in California Adventure because she won a big Mickey Mouse doll. She was so excited! The highlight for me was seeing the new World of Color show. It was like the Bellagio fountain show on steroids!!! Very creative those Disney people are.

By the end of the day, though, my feet were killing me and the muscles in my stomach felt a little worked. Some of that pain may have been from my screaming on the Mickey Fun Wheel. It was really hard to go there and not be able to go on my very favorite rides, being pregnant and all, but I had such a good time with the girls, Kristen and Paul.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

So Cute!!!

I went to the Camarillo outlets yesterday and found just about the cutest outfit ever! She is going to be so adorable in this. I got it in the 6 - 12 month size so hopefully it will fit her in the summer. I just love it.

She is still moving and kicking up a storm, which is so cool. I have graduated away from my apricot craving and am now onto Orville Redenbacher Natural Simply Salt popcorn. I get the low fat one cause it is less salty than the others. It is so good. I killed an entire bag in one sitting yesterday. Is that bad? I wish popcorn was considered more nutritious, but there is, like, 8 grams of protein in the bag, so that is at least something. I do still enjoy a good dried apricot now and again, but I would pass that up for a bowl of popcorn in a second!