Tuesday, November 30, 2010
33 Weeks
I had a prenatal massage on Monday, thanks to Shawnee, Nikki, Judy and Stan, and it was awesome. So relaxing, and I feel like since you have to lay on your side you get a bonus back rub because she rubbed my back when I was lying on both sides. The lady was quite informative and thorough. She seemed to know a lot about prenatal massages and what not to do. Wish I could have one of those every week!
Everything else seems to be going well. I am eating just fine now, probably too fine, with all the yummy pumpkin pie, chocolate, and holiday yumminess. My only issue now, besides the rib kicking, is that this weather is so freaking dry and so I keep getting nose bleeds. My doctor says that they are quite common for pregnant women, so that is a relief, but my nose is so dry that it burns sometimes. I need to get a humidifier, but the last one I had would soak the windows and sheets by the morning. I don't need all that, so I have no idea what to get.
Friday, November 26, 2010
I am extremely traditional when it comes to my Thanksgiving dinner. We had the turkey, of course, which I do a yummy brine for and it comes out so amazing every year! Then we had the mashed potatoes, stuffing, with Stove Top, of course, cause frankly I have never had a home made stuffing that I like as well or at all really. Green bean casserole, a must, then some rolls, cranberry sauce, gravy, and of course, Martinelli's Sparkling Cider. My favorite. I forgot to heat up the corn this year, which seems to be the case every year that I forget something, but it will definitely be utilized in the leftovers when I make what I like to call slop. I am sure you can all guess what that entails. Since it was just Pete and I, we kept it pretty simple. It was so delicious.
It is nice that even with a big ol' belly you can still fit into an apron! And believe me, I needed it, it is amazing how many more food bits are attracted to a stomach that is sticking right out there.
For Pete's second helping he decided to make himself the ultimate pileup. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and a crescent roll. One delicious sandwich. He was very proud of his creation.
And of course, we didn't forget about Audrey. She got her own bowl of Thanksgiving dinner. She was a good girl and stayed out of the kitchen while we ate, and she waited patiently as we loaded her bowl up with yummy goodness. She came back to lick the bowl three times after she finished it so I think she liked it.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
32 Weeks
She is a little stinker these days because she likes to get up under my ribs on my right side. It is a very strange feeling and one that I am not all that happy about. It is like a tickle (the annoying kind) and a jab at the same time, and it isn't always instant, sometimes she just chills there for a while. I try to push her down, but it doesn't always work. I've noticed that overall she seems to prefer my right side, which makes for it getting sore a lot. Doctor says that is common because she is pushing on my floating ribs. Not so pleasant. I'm constantly stretching my torso to the left to take the pressure off. I'm sure it is only going to get worse as she gets bigger.
Friday, November 19, 2010
31 Weeks
I had my first experience feeling her with hiccups. It was so cute. I woke up at midnight last night and as I was trying to fall back asleep she started these rhythmic movements. It only lasted a couple minutes, which is good for her, cause when I get the hiccups they usually last at least thirty minutes or more.
Mom was in town this last week and we made some headway on turning the guest room into a nursery. Mom painted and we built the dresser and crib and got them moved into the room and the bed moved out. Now I have to work on dressing up the walls and organizing all the stuff now that I have places to organize it all. Here is what it looks like so far.
Mom made the bumper, which I absolutely love. It is perfect. I found that giraffe material and just had to use it for that purpose. It is the softest stuff ever! In our bedroom I took out the Pack n' Play that Pete's sister gave to us to see how easily I could set it up with the bassinet part in it. Looks like if the baby doesn't use it, someone will.
My little Jack loves to test out any box, basket, or soft item of any kind. If this little bassinet can hold his 15 pound ass jumping in it, then it should be good to go for Baby. He has attempted to jump in to the crib too, but that is definitely a Jack free zone and he is immediately thrown out of it. Fortunately, he seems to adopt a spot for a while then moves on, so I am letting him get his love of the bassinet out of his system. He looks quite cute when he is curled up in it, so it is hard to throw him out of it now.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
30 Weeks
I fear that now I am going to quickly start to run out of clothes that fit me. At least I can still wear my comfy sweatshirts. Now that it is starting to get cold, I am sure I will be in those a lot anyway. I can't believe that my stomach even has the ability to get any bigger. Sometimes it seems like it should be bursting.
The other day I was floored to have Pete tell me that he wanted to go to Babies R Us with me to see what that place was all about. Of course, he was probably bored within ten seconds of being there, but at least he cared enough to want to go. We did a bit of a shopping spree with the gift cards and baby cash we got from the showers. Now the soon to be nursery is overflowing!
I'm still not totally sure where I am going to put it all, but it will eventually find its place once we get the nursery set up as a nursery and not a guest room. It is amazing the amount of crap that one tiny human "needs", and this isn't even all of it.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Baby Showers
We played a couple games, which was great for me, since I was the judge and just got to watch other people making a fool of themselves all in the name of fun.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
3rd Trimester!!!
Had my doctors visit yesterday as well, and now those visits are going to get closer and closer together. Everything was perfect. I met with Dr. Murphy again and he is my favorite. He is an older guy and he does this sort of humming thing while he works. It is so awesome and it always makes me smile and feel more at ease. He really seems like he cares too, which I like. There are a couple of the doctors I see that don't seem as invested, like they just need to move on to the next patient. So I have my fingers crossed that he will be the one that delivers me, but my luck it will be the one girl that I don't like so much. She is very callused and cold. Not something you want in a person who is going to be around for the happiest moment of your life.
Baby's heart was strong and her growth was right on target. We called her our little Baby Bear because Dr. Murphy said she was not too big and not too small, she was just right. Now that she is moving more and more and you can actually see it, I'm going to try and get some video footage. It is so cool, but it seriously seems like my belly should be in the latest sci fi movie.
Megan and Amy are throwing my shower this weekend with my girls (and Josh), which I am so looking forward to. After that I will definitely be posting pictures that will be more than just my silhouetted self with a giant belly almost popping through my tank top. Pretty soon I am going to have to find a new tank top to wear for those pictures. The current one is really being put to work.
Pete told me that I look more pregnant when I wear maternity shirts than I do when I am wearing just a regular t-shirt or sweatshirt. I'm just glad I can still wear the regular stuff even if it is mostly just to sleep in. Most importantly though, I'm so glad that I am able to wear my jeans with the hairband to hold the button. I don't know how long that will work, but I am hoping when that fails maybe those Bella Bands will work cause I so don't want to buy maternity jeans.Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Pregnancy Eating Anxiety
Is it okay that since it was just Halloween I have a mini 3 Musketeers or mini Twix during the day? Is it okay if I forgot to take one of my three vitamins today? Is it okay that I don't have vegetables in my every day diet? How much is all of this really going to affect baby? Do they really even know that? I don't drink, I wouldn't smoke even if I wasn't pregnant, I do eat and drink every day, multiple times, and though I have missed a few days with my vitamins I have been quite good about taking them regularly. Is that enough?
Doctor says her heartbeat is strong, she is growing at a perfect rate for how far along I am, and she kicks and moves all the time. So I have decided that based on the fact that she seems to be perfectly healthy I am just going to continue to do what I am doing and not worry about it anymore. Babies are like parasites anyway, they just suck all the nutrients they need from you. I don't know if any other moms get anxiety from the eating thing, but because I am such a worrier, I do and I just had to get it off my chest.