Monday, September 5, 2011

Entertaining Us All the Time!

Layla is growing up so fast. She is doing something new and different all the time, which means that I am constantly taking video of her. One of these days I will get proper editing software so that I can actually do more with them, but for now just posting a few of them here will have to do.

Layla taught herself to wave the other day! It was so cute. She just started moving her fingers and staring at her hand. So I kept telling her that she was waving, and now she knows how to wave when asked. I'm so proud of my little munchkin!

Pool time is one of Layla's favorite things when it is warm. She loves to splash and doesn't even mind when she soaks her face.

I got her some bath toys that can squirt water, but her favorite is when they are empty and you blow them in her face. Her reaction is just too cute.

I love it when she just sits in her highchair and screams. Not in anger or frustration, but just because that is what she wants to say at the time. She is like a balloon that is deflating in a scream. What a nut!

Layla loves to be outside. So we are out there on the blanket all the time with her toys. She loves it when Daddy joins us. It cracks me up how when she is really happy and excited lately she just keeps her mouth wide open.

1 comment:

  1. Sooo cute!!! I love the banner photo you are using. I miss you guys! xoxo Kristen
