Saturday, June 25, 2011

Five Months!!!

My how time flies. Layla is already five months now, which is crazy. She is changing and growing so fast. I took her into the doctors office last week because she has a couple red patches on her chest that I wanted to have checked out. They aren't anything to worry about and the pediatrician said they should go away on their own eventually. Luckily they don't seem to bother her at all.

She now weighs 13lbs 5oz and is maintaining in the 25% isle, so that is good. She is doing great with the solid foods now. We are doing avocado and sweet potato right now and she loves it. Though her first taste of the avocado by itself resulted in a bit of some dry heaving. It was rather comical. So I found that if I mixed a tiny bit of sweet potato in with it she will just gobble it up. She would be a relatively clean eater, because she doesn't spit much food back out at all, but she loves to put her fingers in her mouth so food ends up everywhere. It is usually best when she eats with just her diaper on especially since sweet potatoes are not easy to get out of clothing.

As usual, we had our month photo session and she was all smiles for me. Such a little ham sometimes. She doesn't look at the camera much these days though, so it makes it a bit more difficult to capture a great shot with her looking. So we got pretty lucky this round. =)

So love that crinkle face smile!

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