Friday, February 25, 2011

One Month!!!

I can't believe Layla is one month old already! Apparently she can't either.

Love her faces. =) She is just too much fun. She is awake and alert more these days and she loves her play time, especially with Daddy. She smiles a lot for me too, which is just the best thing ever! There is nothing cuter than your baby's smiles. That is until she starts giggling, I can't wait for that sound.

Well we finally got the awesome giraffe home and in her spot in the nursery.

She looks so cute in there. It really brings the room together. Sometimes when I burp Layla she stares at her. Hopefully she will like giraffes as she grows up cause she has about ten of them in there, not including all the giraffe clothing and blankets. Perhaps mommy went a little overboard with the giraffe theme, but they are just so cute.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Skinny Mini

Layla had her doctors visit yesterday and she is doing great. She is up to 7lbs 4oz, which was a bit lower than the doctor would have liked, she is only in the 10th percent isle for weight. However, after checking her he said she looks completely healthy and not too skinny at all. She grew a quarter inch too, which I figured since some of her outfits are almost too short. It is too bad since those are the ones that fit her skinny body the best. I put pants on her for the first time since her belly button is all healed and two kicks and the pants were off. They are the right length, but too wide around her little belly. My friend Geiger suggested suspenders, so we will have to see if they make those for infants. =)

Layla had her first real bath this week! She seemed to love it all up until mommy took her out of the warm water. It isn't easy washing a slippery little one squirming around in the water. I have a non slip foam pad to use, which I am sure will help, however it had a lovely coating of Jack's hair on it since the little brat has been sleeping in her tub in the closet. He just loves to be where he isn't supposed to. So we will be testing that out on her next bath.

So far Layla isn't in a schedule yet, which I think is pretty normal for a new baby. She definitely eats a lot during the day and then sleeps quite well at night, sometimes for five hours straight. It has been really nice for me. I'm paying attention to the times she goes to bed for the long periods and when she naps during the day (on the days she does take any sort of significant nap) and they are getting more and more consistent, but we are still a little ways from an exact schedule.

She gets pretty fussy when she goes to the bathroom, which the doctor said is extremely common. It breaks my heart cause there is nothing I can do for her. I really hope that it gets better for her soon. Luckily it isn't all the time. The way she screams sometimes it is like she is tooting razorblades. I just hate it. Doctor tells me I shouldn't be bothered by a crying baby, cause a good crier means a healthy baby. So she is healthy, but I still feel awful watching her and not being able to immediately make it all better.

Opa and Mimi are in town visiting their grand baby for the week, and we have been having a great time. Layla loves her grandparent time. This weekend she gets to meet her Uncle Hap, Aunt Laurie, cousin Natalia, and her Great Oma. It will be a full house, and I am looking forward to it. Lots of love going around for Miss Layla.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

More Pictures

Here are a few more pictures of our beautiful baby girl. I would be taking even more, but I find myself in one room with my cameras in another a lot. But that is okay because otherwise too much of her life I would see through the lens and I prefer to enjoy her in person.

Layla in one of my favorite outfits, and one of the few that actually fits her. She is such a tiny bean.

Love babies feet.

My sleepy girl.

So precious.

Sleeping on Mommy. It just melts my heart.

She has some of the funniest faces.

My sweet girl.

Me and my baby girl.

Layla Dancing

Pete loves to play with his baby girl. He was singing and dancing with her and it was so cute I had to get video of it. Unfortunately Pete won't sing on camera so it is more like she is dancing to the click of Audrey's paws, but it is still cute!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Weekend Update

With all the advice that people feel compelled to dole out when you are going to be a new mom, how is it that no one ever told me that I should start doing things around the house with one arm holding a 10lb weight, especially in my favored hand. Nine months of practicing that and I might be a bit better at the whole ambidextrous thing. It is amazing how difficult it can be just to open a can of food for my cat, whilst holding a baby.

Our Layla Bug is almost three weeks old already and I can't even believe it. She just gets cuter and cuter. She still has her beautiful red hair, and I am hopeful that it won't all fall out; although mine did when I was an infant and I was almost completely bald until I was one. She is so strong, she can hold her head up so well already and she even smiles at me now. I love that so much. She just melts my heart. And I know a lot of people say it is just gas, but this is a different smile than her gassy smile.

Most of the time she is my little angel, but sometimes I call her my little Ferrari because she goes from zero to 60 in a second! She has moments of frustration, but I just take the time to find the issue and calm her down. I'm getting better at it all the time. But we definitely have good days and rough days. Luckily the former are more abundant. She sleeps so well at night, which is amazing. I have to wake her every three to four hours to feed her, but I usually get about six to seven hours of sleep a night, and sometimes an hour or two nap during the day. Can't complain about that! I hate having to wake her cause she looks so sweet and comfortable when she is asleep, and who wants to be woken up to have their butt wiped? I can't wait until I can just let her sleep.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Here are some of the pictures that my mom took while we were in the hospital.

This is the first moment that I got to hold my little cuddle bug after they made sure she was okay. She was born with her cord wrapped around her neck twice so they had to make sure she was healthy and breathing properly before I could hold her.

They glued a little lavender bow to her head and though the bow was only there for an hour or so, the glue remained for about five days. I think she just looks precious in Daddy's arms.

Pete and I got a private catered meal in our room! Filet mignon, asparagus, mashed potatoes and some Martinelli's sparkling cider. Not too shabby for hospital food. Layla was a good girl and slept so mommy could enjoy her food.

This is Layla after her first sponge bath once we got home. She didn't like it much, but we are getting better at it so she is enjoying them more now. Her umbilical cord has almost completely fallen off now so it won't be long before she gets a real bath.

Layla loves her little lamb swing. She looks so cozy in her little jammies with a double swaddle to keep her warm. More pictures to come soon!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

First Doctor's Appointment

Layla had her first pediatrician's visit today and she is just perfect. She was 6 lbs 8 oz when she was born and 6 lbs 4 oz when we left the hospital and now she is at 6 lbs 7 oz. She is a really good eater so I am not surprised that she is gaining her weight back quickly.

The whole mommy experience has been so amazing so far. I am loving it so much. She just makes me smile all the time and sometimes she makes me cry, but only because I am so happy. She has just the cutest face and makes some of the funniest squeeks and noises. How ever you might think becoming a parent might be, it is a thousand times better!

I am loving watching Pete be such a devoted daddy. He is loving it, and he is such a big help to me while all of my aches and pains are recovering. Grandma is in town for another few days and I will be sad for her to leave. She has been amazing to have around. I don't know what I would have done without her. After giving birth it is amazing how long it takes you just to get up from a sitting position, especially if you are holding a baby.

Happy Groundhog Day to everyone!!!