Just recently she has learned to crawl. She isn't tearing around the house yet, but she has the motion down. I think she is more concerned with trying to walk, so when she is crawling she will lift her knees off the ground and stand on her feet. It is pretty funny to watch.
She takes her first crawl steps towards the end
Her silly foot crawl
She has also just started pulling herself up on things. I had to drop her crib down to its lowest setting so that she can't fall out. I am sure that walking is just around the corner, since she loves to be on her feet.
Layla is quite the vocal little monkey too. She loves to scream and stick her tongue out to blow raspberries, and her favorite is to have people echo different sounds she makes. Her sound vocabulary is increasing all the time, too. She now says mama, dada, baba, nana, yeah yeah, blah blah, babo and a plethora of other random noises and sounds.
Babbling and crawling
She is getting so big and her beautiful red hair is filling in more and more all the time. I can now mess it a bit and get a little curl in the back. She has her two bottom front teeth now, which are the cutest thing ever when she flashes that smile. No sign of any of the others coming through, but she loves to chew on things, so I am sure they are on their way soon.
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