Saturday, February 18, 2012

Belly Laughs at Audrey

Layla loves it when Audrey gets crazy in the house and runs around playing.  Her reaction to it is priceless.  It is the best sound in the world! I dare you not to laugh too.  Pete took this video while I was playing with Audrey. The last bit is my favorite little giggle. Enjoy!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Extreme Close Up

So now that Layla is a pro at the walking thing, it makes taking photos of her rather difficult.  She always wants to be moving so most of the photos I capture are rather close up since she is usually walking towards me every time.  Good thing I love the close up shots.  Here are a few of the most recent of my funny little Valentine.

Though I love her in hats she is always trying to take them off as soon as I put them on.

Love that cheesey face!

The little bit of hair that she has.  I love it!

Her Valentine's elephant.

Loves for her elephant.

More loves.

Friday, February 3, 2012

My Monkey is One Year Old!!!

I can't believe my baby girl is a year old already. It seems like just yesterday when I was rushing into the mancave with the stick that had two pink lines across it to tell Pete the amazing news.  It really just goes by so fast.  She is changing and learning more every day.  She is mastering walking and loves it!  She also loves to impersonate things.  She can do the cat, dog, whale, sheep, monkey, and she just learned duck on her birthday when we went to the park to feed the ducks.  She is really good at that one.  Sounds exactly like them. 

She also just learned what we call her jazz music sound.  She basically sounds like a trumpet, very Miles Davis like.  =) She also impersonates sounds she hears in songs or when she hears sirens go by.  She loves her sounds, not so much on the words yet, though.  She has "dada" down like nobody's business, and she is great with "mama" when she decides she wants to say it for me, which definitely isn't as often as I would like.  I was hoping she would be a talker like I was, but so far, not so much. 

She definitely is a whiner though.  For such an adorable little munchkin, man can she make some awful sounds.  She is rather demanding, and since she can't yet use her words to voice her needs, it is comes out as an awful whine.  Sometimes her whole body shakes she is so frustrated.  I guess she can't be all perfect, as much as I might think she is.

We took some shots on her birthday for her 12 month.  We had some good times with the birthday balloons and ribbon. This will be the last of the regular monthly photos I will be taking, but definitely not the last of the photos!!!  She is too cute not to capture all the time. 

Love that face!!!