Monday, December 12, 2011

Bonding with Audrey

It took a little while for Audrey to warm to the idea of an infant hanging around and taking all the attention away from her. Having Jack was bad enough. But now that Layla is starting to give Audrey attention and she is getting such praise for being a good dog with her, she is really coming around. Before she would leave the room if Layla was crawling around. Now she lets Layla pet her and even gives her little kisses.

They even started playing together. Here is a video of Layla and Audrey playing with a straw. Good thing Jack was in the other room sleeping because that is his toy, and there could have been trouble. =)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

My Silly Little Monkey

Layla is doing so many new and adorable things lately that I have been trying to capture them on video so she can see how silly she is someday. Here is a collection of some of her most recent craziness.

Here is Layla enjoying her Saltine cracker in the silly way that she does. I think it is too funny.

Clearly Layla likes her baths. She is quite the silly girl which is rather entertaining.

Apparently I didn't give Layla enough to drink that day because she kept drinking from the bath. Silly girl.

She was in such a happy mood after finishing her breakfast.

My crawling little monkey. Love how she scares the crap out of Jack in this one.

Layla saying meow to the cat, well it is more of a yeow than a meow, but so much cuter because of it.

Giggling (with the hiccups) at Mommy being silly.

There will be more to come as she is getting more and more of a personality, and cracking us up all the time!