She is crawling around everywhere now, getting into whatever she can, and pulling up on anything she can. Nothing compared to what it will be once she is walking, but still, she is keeping me on my toes for sure. She has started taking steps while holding on to things, so I am sure walking will come soon. When Daddy holds her hands and walks with her, she will just cruise! I can't believe how fast she is. She just needs to work on the balance a bit more.
Talking all the time, she has mastered pretty much all of her alphabet sounds, and puts them together to make some pretty hilarious conversation. Her favorite is still dada so she says that a lot or variations of it. She loves to make weird sounds like clicking her tongue, breathing heavy through her gums (which if any of you know me well, you know how much I love that) or popping her lips. It is too cute.
She is cutting her third tooth now on the top right. I'm excited, but I will be sad once it comes in because it will make her seem so much older. I love that giant, two teeth grin that she has. I don't know if it is from the teething or not, but she has had a few rough nights over the last few weeks. She will randomly wake up crying and not be able to sooth herself back to sleep. Our version of the cry-it-out method usually works pretty well, but sometimes she just needs mom to hold her.
So overall she is doing very well. She is very attached to mommy these days, which isn't surprising, but she loves to smile at people when we are out, as long as they don't get too close.
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