Mom and Dad came down for a couple weeks and we went to Palm Springs. It was Layla's first real trip, and she did so well there. She experienced so many new things: She got to go in the pool, which was so fun. We took her to The Living Desert, which was disappointing, but we still had a good time. We also did the Palm Springs Street Fair, and there was so much for her to look at, listen to, and smell there. She loved it.
The zebras at the living desert
One of the only animals that was close enough to get a good picture of.
At the Street Fair
All tuckered out after a long day
She mastered the art of grabbing objects and pulling them to her mouth, and she really mastered hitting the shrillest notes while continuing to discover the range of her voice. That made eating out quite the experience sometimes. We are going to have to learn an inside voice soon. She is turning into a little giggle monster too, which is so awesome. I just love hearing her laugh. She was such a happy girl, getting all kinds of attention, and she even slept through the night four of the nights we were there! I couldn't believe it.
Such a happy girl
It was her first time in the pool and she seemed to love it. She was definitely fascinated with the water and she looks so cute in her little swimsuit and fishy sun hat (thanks Auntie Cheryl).
Over the past few weeks Layla has been holding on to objects pretty well, as long as they are small enough for her hand. But now she is reaching for them, grabbing them and pulling them to her mouth. Grandpa is so proud that her first time doing it was with a golf ball.
She has been full of giggles too. I was happy to finally get it on video. Sorry about the poor videography. I was more concerned with capturing the audio then paying attention to whether it looked right.
This video is one of my favorites with her little gurgle scream sounds she makes while laughing with Grandpa.
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