I can't believe that Layla is already two months! It goes by so fast. We went out to Babies R Us today and I got her a couple little rompers and one of those carriers so that I can do more around the house while still holding her. I hope that it works out. While we were waiting in the check out line some lady thought she was a boy. Now in her defense Layla did have a brown and white polka dot blanket, which I suppose could be more boy, but she was wearing lavender. I suppose I should expect that when I am so opposed to pink. Although I have to say that Layla is warming me up to it. She looks just precious in pale pink.
We had a short photo session on her 2 month birthday with her little lavender dress on. She looks so adorable in it. I so wish that I had a proper photo studio in my house so that I could have better lighting and more variety. Maybe someday. I will have to work with what I have for now. Luckily she is cute no matter what!
My baby doll
Such a happy girl
There is never a dull moment with my little Layla Bug. She definitely keeps me on my toes and I'm loving every minute of it. We are still working on getting my milk supply up. The fenugreek had to go because it made Layla really gassy and miserable, so we are going to have to try some other methods. We've also started the transition from co-sleeping and I am sure it is going to take some time. Every time I set her down she wakes up anywhere from one to thirty minutes later. She has been like that since the day she was born. The only time she will sleep when I'm not holding her or lying next to her is for her nap in the swing. I can't have her sleeping in her swing all night, so if anyone has any helpful suggestions on that or upping your milk supply, I would love to hear them.
Absolutely beautiful. Her skin looks like porcelain.